Making a professional film, a simple how-to ...

+39 votes
Making Professional Films, without getting into the specifics!

You've made amateur films, finally managed to get the rating 9+ Virgin Defloration film needed (and boy was it tough trying to track down yet another virgin to star in the film ...!), gone to Big All with film and 2 million in unmarked bills and got your professional license.

What now?

Now you start film school, again!  This will give you access to more options, such as cameras, film genres and sexual positions as you check off the various courses (which take quite a while to complete).

Making a pro film happens in various stages (please bear in mind that this is from memory, so I may forget a few things and/or get some things out of order.  Also I am NOT in possession of all the information and underlying details, so there may be missing explanations!):

Stage 1 - the Script
Stage 2 - the Studio

Writing the script is broken down into 2 sub-stages whichI think of as the script and the story-boarding.

First you pick the genre, from those currently available to you.  Next step in this stage is a set of sliders (very much like those you used in amateur filming), with settings specfiic to each genre.  Once past that you select a 'type' for the film.  This is an interesting setting, and the good news is you can go back and forth changing this to see the effect - the main effect is determind if the film is soft, bold or hard, which in turn will make different writers better suited to producing the script.  Next up is picking the type of actress to use, via enthnicity (there is an any option) and their temper.  Having these closely match your available actresses is a good idea, so know whom you have in your stable!  Take care at this stage, because next is picking the writer and if you are not careful you can end up selecting the first writer in the list.  The Next button you see with the writers is not to go to the netx writer, but to actutally start the writing!  The scroll arrows are a third of the way down the screen on left- and right-hand sides.  Here you are looking for the best writer you have access to whose favourite film type matches that choce you made two screens back.  The good news heer is that when they match you'll see a green tick in a circle next to their favourite films.  You will often have more than one good match so keep looking for the best (most expensive you can use).
This stage will take 15 minutes, if there are no problems.

After the script is written it is time for the second sub-stage.  This is where you assign sexual positions for the film, from the list available to you.  This is not the most intuitive of interfaces!  On the left you have a pretty much blank screen, with an empty bar at the bottom that repesents the amount of time allocated to the film and how much has been used up by the positions selected.  On the right you have a set of icons representing the various sexual positions you can use.  CLick on the icons on the right and you will see them appear on the left (along with a little red X so you can remove them).  As you add them you will see the bar on the bottom update to reflect the amount of time the position uses.  What you do here is allocate enough posotions to fill up the amount of time the film will run for.  One wrinkle here is that there are bonus combinations that you can find (and use!), whcih will improve the quality of the script.  Another thing to bear in mind is that your actresses all have preferences as to what positions they like (from 1 star to 3 stars).  Again, bear in mind what your actresses like.  Click the Next button and this sub-stage is set off, and will take 60 minutes (I don't think you can get problems with this sub-stage, but I may be wrong).

With a script in your grubby hands it it time to convert it into a film - off to the Studio we go!

The Studio stage is made up of two main sub-stages, which I think of as pre-production and the filming.

Once you have picked the script you wish to work with you will be prompted to allocate a certain number of actresses to it, and perhaps a few actors too (if so, you will be given access to a pool of around 10 or so to pick from).  As you allocate actresses you will see the casting bonus go up (hopefully!).  It is best to allocate actresses who most closely meet the specified profiles of ethnicity and temper.  You will also notice that a minimum sex appeal is required for the parts (I am not sure what dictates this).  Another thing you will see is the sexual positions getting stars added to them (to a max of 3).  Here is where memory fails me a littel as to the exact order of things! Once all roles have been filled you will go on to the next screen which is another set of sliders whose values are specific to the genre of film (and are different to those for the Script, sorry!).  You may also, here, seelct from adding in extra 'facilities' to the fil, for sound, special effects and ... er, something else (maybe lighting?).  All you do is expand the selection and pick the best!  Once done here you move on to picking the Director.  Much like the writer, the Director you pick should be the best for the film you are making, based on it's type.  Here you will see a match percentage to indicate how well th edirectot in question will work with this particular set up of script/film.  Scroll left and right as the values will go up and down and not always in a linear fashion, so the rightmost director in the list may not be the best.  You'll need a bit of money in hand to progress past this point, and on the next screen you'll need even more as that is where you cough-up the full budget of the film.

The final sub-stage is the filming and this happens in a set of discrete scenes (I think all films are made up of 5 scenes) that each take a certain amount of time to complete, based on the genre of the film you are making: from 1 hour per scene all the way up to 12 hours per scene.
asked Jun 8, 2015 in FAQ by Ehlanna (690 points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
good work baby ;P
answered Apr 3, 2016 by Timbaler (2,354 points)
0 votes
One question in relation to this.

How do you get the Go Pro4 and better cameras?

I am now level 30, and looking to get the Professional licence. However, The best camera i can get only films for 50 minutes.

And Virgin Defloration requires 3 hours of filming right?

So I am unable to film this, or if i do film it, my ratings are very low (since it will only be a 50 min film despite taking 3 hours to complete)
answered Sep 15, 2016 by jagerbob69 (50 points)
It's been a while, so forgive me if the answers are not absolute!
Better cameras become available after passing film classes.
I think the film length is more appropriate to pro films than amateur - but you should be able to get a decent enough camera to 'fully' film a VD film at your level, if that is what is needed.