Stats needed for taking girls out?

+1 vote
I keep trying to take girls out, I usually aim for the decent looking girls with 6*+ But I keep failing.. the pointer thing get's locked at certain points after I give her a gift, like It'll only go half way then no matter on the option it wont go foward anymore.. and even though "Close the deal" is green, it says I get rejected.. So what exactly am I missing to be able to stop this from happing? I'm level 28



Any advice would be great, thank you.
asked Jun 12, 2015 in FAQ by PervyJester (13 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
im only level 11 but i too have this issus i thank some girls just wont sleep with you no matter what you do
answered Jul 5, 2015 by tazlucky09 (31 points)
0 votes
"close the deal" being green juste means its at his maximum for u at the moment (depending on ur mojo, seduction and lvl i guess), so u just have to close the deal and hope for the best

id say take out slightly less pretty ones to make the numbers and wait for ur game to improve for the better ones ( or just try now and hope to get lucky, as u ll always get more phone numbers later anyway)

ps having a little alcohol lvl helps too i think
answered Jul 5, 2015 by carnacien (1,895 points)