Size is not that important in cock fights?

+2 votes
It looks like size doesn't really matter in cock fights.

I started a fight against someone with 1 cm lower than me and clearly a lot less spa treatments.

The first 3 ladies gave me a score 10 points higher than my opponent.

And yet, in the end the 3 ladies all scored in favor of my opponent and I lost with about 30 points difference.

I have to mention that my opponent was 6 lvels below me and only 25 days old.

The final question is: does anything really matter in cock fights or are they just random?
asked Jun 22, 2015 in FAQ by Bobby_Flagg (47 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
I would suspect they had much higher OutHouse scores than you, which tipped the balance in their favour.
answered Jun 22, 2015 by Ehlanna (690 points)
Clear case of lacking outhouse stats. But loosing against a 25 days 6 level lower player is showing you are a little bit lazy or not focusing at this part of the game ;-)
But sill. The cock size difference was significantly and my outhouse stats were at 130, not 0.
So, the cock size is not important as long as you have outhouse skills.
You can easily defeat someone with a bigger cock and that invested in all the cock increase treatments at the spa.
Which is rather dumb imho.
With 130 you won't win anything. I am talking about a few k outhouse.
The SPA treatment is important for the value of one judging girl (before you start fucking). Your opponent clearly beat you with his outhouse stats. (I guess you lost at least half of your ground during fuck;-).
Or like SexyEwa mentioned in one reply, you can never have enough outhouse stats. And i think she knows what she is talking about....
+3 votes
I am at level 60 and have 40,000 in total outhouse score.  I still get beaten by players ar lower levels, but a replay clearly shows that their outhouse skills were superior.  I also occasionaly beat higher level players, once again due to outhouse skills.  While spa treatments are good, outhouse skills are far more significant.
answered Jun 23, 2015 by jmeoff (56 points)