Booble tutorial didn't complete

+1 vote
My Booble part of the tutorial didn't even finish, all I did was make a name for the website & that was it, finished no more help. I've figured that you can upload films onto the site, and I see advertising will bring in more people but that is it! I don't know how to work the other stuff eg. webcam. So could you please tell me what else did I miss from the Booble tutorial? Thanks
related to an answer for: Does Tutorial end after "Boogle" part?
asked Jun 24, 2015 in FAQ by thelovedoctor69 (64 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
you can upload your films and photos to booble and each film and photo that you are uploading will increase the reach of your web for 24h.

Also from live cam you can increase the reach of your web. but the live cam is availabe from the  3rd server (computer). you have to unlock that from completing film school. after you buy that live cam you can add your actress there and increse your reach. More clients,more money.

this a good way to make huge money from less time.
answered Aug 17, 2016 by kanisupun (95 points)