new guards every time i'm trying to raid parlor but owner is offline. how can it be ?

0 votes
asked Jun 24, 2015 in FAQ by Hazeci (72 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Heavy Pimp it is:)
answered Jun 25, 2015 by SexyEwa (1,099 points)
this is not the answer. no spam here please.
it isn't spam... heavy pimp package, guards have full health
+2 votes
It's "Heavy pimping" package in action.
There's a package being offerred called "Heavy pimping". You can only buy it with real money, by clicking the coin icon on the left of your game screen.
One of the traits in the package is, your guards will have full health after a defense. Your target must have bought this package, and what you're seeing is how it works.
answered Jul 4, 2015 by Hermenegild (579 points)
oh, so it's usual pay2win crap... thank you very much!