how can i be a girl in this game

+4 votes
asked Jun 28, 2015 in Porn stars by sexygirlhere (16 points)

4 Answers

+1 vote
You can't :)
answered Jun 29, 2015 by SexyEwa (1,099 points)
+2 votes
I would like to be it D: i wanna be a wore :3
answered Jul 6, 2015 by drkvampiress (19 points)
0 votes
U fisrt have to be a guy.
answered Jul 7, 2015 by Sexgod18 (30 points)
+5 votes
It's easy. Turn safe mode on (bottom left corner, next to dick-o-meter) and you will do the whole world with banana.
answered Aug 16, 2015 by zszszs (30 points)
hahaha- smart answer