How to reclaim CC

+13 votes
Okay this is more of a suggestion (as I don't know where to make one directly to the dev's). I think it would be wise to have a confirmation question when buying CC items as sometimes you can accidently click on them (especially when playing late & you're a bit tired), eg. last night I was playing in my house checking up on my amateur films & accidently right clicked on the screen, I quickly moved my pointer to click away the options list & it turned out I had clicked on a 6hr CC film to watch straight away. I was about to go to sleep, all that extra 'dick' wasted; accidently spending 1or2 is annoying, but now I feel 100% frustrated (& stupid). So PLEASE put in a confirmation request for at least some if not all CC items, maybe pu a setting like the there is for the prison & hospital saying if you want the request on/off as I know it would annoysome people!

Thanx team
asked Jul 6, 2015 in FAQ by thelovedoctor69 (64 points)

1 Answer

+6 votes
I second that opinion. Adding such a question would prevent us from spending our CC by mistake or misclicks. I recognize it would probably cut your profit slightly, but you do have quite good relations with the community, and adding this question would improve it even more; that, in turn, would probably translate to much better profits in the future.

As it is, I'm sometimes even afraid of clicking a button if I see it's purple, for fear that I can get charged CC right away.
answered Jul 9, 2015 by Hermenegild (579 points)