Pickup pub girls

0 votes
How do I get the girls in the pub?
asked Jul 22, 2015 in FAQ by turax001 (12 points) 1 flag

2 Answers

–1 vote
I wouldn't bother, you can get much better girls with less hassle, from parties for example. But, if you really want to...

First, you need to work on your alcohol tolerance - drink some, it'll make your screen wobble and change the game a bit, but after a few days of drinking you'll notice you stay drunk for shorter and shorter periods of time.

Then you need to buy the girl a drink, chat with her, and listen to her. That last part is really PITA. After that, you have a chance to pick her up.

I only actually managed to pick up a girl this way a few times, and even then she was a disappointment.
answered Jul 22, 2015 by Hermenegild (579 points)
+8 votes
i heavily disagree with the previous answer, because when u succeed at the pub she goes directly in the fuckbuddies, not just on the isnatch ccontact, so its a great way to get big numbers of chicks for football/poledance/amateur movies without having to take them out (which can be a problem when u start). U will, however, rarely see any perfect or divine girl there so the usefulness is indeed lost on pple that are at the top of their game, but still try picking them up once an hour isnt hard.

now the how to is  

1/ look at the atmosphere of the girl, if its under 50, say the polite opening line, if its at or over 50, say the crude one

2/ do not show ur dick to those under 50 either (and u better have some spa treatment active)

3/ get her drunk will help her to find u interesting (but not change ur chance dramatically, no use to overspend)

4/ make up a story : if u have low mojo and sweet talking, it ll probably fail, so its ur call

5/ where u live/ur car/ur watch : obviously those depend on what u have atm, as well as ur mojo and the lvl of the girl. U re gonna have to test for urself where u stand atm, and then use the ones u know will succeed

6/ listen to her. well the good news is u dont really have to. Move the browesr to a corner of ur screen and watch/read smthing else, just have the sight on when she asks u if u re really listening, then quickly read her ramblings and click the last words she said. She usually asks about every 90 sec, and talks from 1 to 7 min.

7/ if u have done all these correctly, her meter should have gone up quite a bit but nowhere near 100% (50%is more like it, but even 20% is worth taking a shot). Still, its time to conclude and hope to get lucky, and remember u dont lose anythin from failing here. In fact if the girls arent especially useful to u, just skip 6, thats what i do. Heck i even skip everything when theyre under 50sexappeal, i just go 1-7.

answered Jul 22, 2015 by carnacien (1,895 points) 2 flags