Pro film script writing

+6 votes
when writing scripts after i complete settings next to screens pertain to type.

my question is does it matter what you choose in those to screens or do you have to match certain types?
asked Jul 28, 2015 in FAQ by dpaul50 (167 points)

3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
actually i found out it does match the types to the director.this does work as i am now rating 9.0 and up on scripts

and thankyou to ehlanna fror the help.
answered Aug 1, 2015 by dpaul50 (167 points)
selected Aug 4, 2015 by dpaul50
–1 vote
id say its mostly flavor, but it can effect the writers u can hire, so some choices are better than others
answered Jul 28, 2015 by carnacien (1,895 points)
+3 votes
if u look at the writers bio information, there will be a hint in there about what to pick to match with them. for example there is one writer where it says his interest or hobby is "stroking his car's exhaust". well obviously if u match up Big Dick with him u will get good results.
answered Mar 18, 2016 by spiff (31 points)