I Think my girls have Worms.

+6 votes

So I don’t want to be the one to throw anyone under the bus expecialy MY GIRLS, and I may be wrong. But I think all of my girls have worms. Their weight is expanding but their measurements are all under and decreasing from what they should be. This is a sure sign of a eating disorder and or a tape worm infestation is first thing comes to mind.

Now I do know that in Victorian England time period swollowing and getting worms was a not only approved but promoted activity by the gentry of country for weight and figure control, but in this time and age... I do feel I may have to report this activity,  by girls who I love dearly as my own, to whatever health or mental facilities and powers that be for a eating disorder or have them checked out at a hospital. sighhhhh the responsibility of holding a harem, and... sniff... this is all my fault... I put to much pressure on them for the perfect body..sniff sniff *sob*. sighhhh. but yeah one or two girls maybe, but all of them.... weight increase whole size decreasing at alarming rate... it’s an eating disorder I know it.... Anyone know a pimp help line for such problems…

asked Aug 2, 2015 in Porn stars by LowkeyII (34 points)

1 Answer

+5 votes


You have been a bad pimp.

You have to take more care of your girls. Send them to the gym, let them have some beauty treatment at the SPA and give them some gifts!

The random change of your girls fitness sex appeal is the devilish invention of the admin to keep you 24 hours a day right beside your girls or get some CC from you;-)

answered Aug 4, 2015 by Jack69 (2,314 points)