Is it possible to get more than 10% for BDSM script?

+2 votes
I'm trying, and trying, and I never got more than 10% on a script. The best review I ever got was 1.3. Did anybody manage to get anything more? If so, how?
related to an answer for: Pro Film 100%Scipt
asked Aug 10, 2015 in FAQ by Hermenegild (579 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Yes it is possible to get a better rating than 1.3.

And now find out. Perhaps best way is to adjust only one slider during your try. In addition you should invest in a good writer and pick some bonus poses.

Without pain no gain.
answered Aug 10, 2015 by Jack69 (2,314 points)
I do have a method, found by myself some 99% settings for several other movie types, there's no need to patronize. It's just that for BDSM I can't find _anything_ better than the 10% I got on my first try. It's a week of script writing, ~6hrs a day, ~5 scripts daily - pain enough for you?

I _am_ using the best writer I can ($25k/hr) and he _is_ a match for the movie type. I can fit three pose combos into the movie, with the total improvement of >200%. Thanks to all this I get 1.3 instead of 1.0. Still, I can't improve the 10% I get on the sliders.

Any stats playing a role here? I'm level 75, and my art sense is at 85. Actresses should not matter at this stage yet.
I have less artistic, but for script i have a rating of 9.6/9.7 in the end. I would say, you have to go on and find the right settings. Script is easy, studio settings are much harder to find.
0 votes
an not yet lvl 60 myself so i cant  be sure, but while noone seems to shoot bdsm movies, as there only are 4 of those movies ever submitted on the expo, those movies have hit scores of 9 , and  turned a healthy profit . So im guessing  its possible to improve on the 1.3. Maybe try changing the type of writers u use if u havent tried all 3.
answered Aug 10, 2015 by carnacien (1,895 points)
See my comment above. The writer I'm using is best in class, and a match for the movie type. FYI: the choice of writers varies with the movie subtype (big butt/big tits/interracial/cumshot/etc.), there's more than three of them.
just for the record since u seemed to have found it
the 3 i meant to try are soft/audacious/rough (or whatever it translates in the english version), and trying it for each subgenre (or rather all where a lvl 60 writer is available).
I thought good scripts might be only available to one type of writers, and u might have just sticked with one type since u may have all ur actresses on a similar temper
anyway ty for the hint, it ll help when i get to those movies
+1 vote
Ok, by trial and error, after 8 days of writing scenarios, I stumbled upon a combination which gave me 54%. This is something which can be (and will be) improved upon. Hint: low/low/high. Thanks to everybody who replied.
answered Aug 11, 2015 by Hermenegild (579 points)
So good luck to you!