Topic of money collecting and time limits.

+4 votes

We decided to address this topic cause many of you are asking about the new information published next to places you can collect money. 

The only thing we've done with this update is to inform how it works :)  The same mechanics have been in place for the past year and we have made no changes at this point.

A lot of you asked for the exact time frame money keeps "growing" before it has to be collected so we decided to publish it. 

I will stress this again to make it clear. No changes has been made to the game mechanics at all with this update. 

Not visiting your massage parlours & collecting money has always led to the girls not working after a while.. why should they?

When the cat's away... ;)


asked Aug 21, 2015 in FAQ by HotCandyLand (243 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
It will be very helpfull if amount of money earned in Night club, Casting tent, Booble, Film studio and at the Street can be observed in similar manier as in massage parlours.
answered Aug 22, 2015 by oggy (266 points)
0 votes
I have noticed recently what in Massage parlours when i click the cash wad symbol it doesnt say how much money there is to collect anymore?

is this new today?

or.... is it that when all my girls are away from the parlours, (like doing night club deals) they are not able to earn money from the parlours anymore?
answered Sep 13, 2016 by jagerbob69 (50 points)