Combinations and Pro films

+3 votes
are there certain combinations that should be matched with pro films for better results?
asked Aug 28, 2015 in New Features by dpaul50 (167 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
The first time made a pro-film script! It was a bomb!

This not too difficult to find out yourself!

When the combination screen comes up!

Select a position or combination!

On the bottom is a blue line that moves!

Use only combination to fill this bar!

The idea is fill this bar as far to the right as possible!

It is a bitty tricky to do so! But due able!

Just play with it a bit!

If your script and studio are both over 95%

And you max out the blue combination bar!

All your movie scripts will be 9.3 or higher!
answered Aug 15, 2016 by Yarla (92 points)
+6 votes
yes, that combinations are

it gives up to 115% bonus (u can use some in the same script, but only the best counts)

u need lvl 70 and all film classes done to get the highest

but that is for the script only, when u make the film, to get the higher bonus on final score, need to have and match sctresses who likes or adores that positions combination too...
answered Aug 16, 2016 by Maulet (3,238 points)