How increase your whore sex appeal to max?

–1 vote
I have a girl with max 77 sex appeal, i trained her in a gym to the perfect (all 4 stats is less then 1cm), but now i have only 62/77 sex appeal. How can i get 77/77?
asked Aug 31, 2015 in FAQ by ZemliaX (31 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Try some Spa treatments
answered Aug 31, 2015 by OneHungLo (155 points)
But i think it's not worth to invest money on whores unless you have a lot $, because every day im changing whores to a new & better . . . I think invest money on them only when i will have all divine.
When all girls you have will be divine, you'll only want to invest in those 100s :) Been there, done that. Hint: leave a few slots for divine girls you don't want to keep, hire them to see if they can be good football players.