Need info about football players

+1 vote
I just finished training 2 girls. Made both of them sex appeal 60/65 & 60/66 without spending money on SPA, just trained them in a gym. Both were 2lvl, both care 60/60, both sex appeal reached max 60. Without training made them both football players, first girl was european & got 40/165 skills, another scandinavian got 40/112 skills on football. So question is european girls better like football players or what? Why different stats? Or maybe stats also depends on girls temper? Because that european girl was "naughty" which got max 165 & that scandinavian was "friendly" which got only max 112 stats . . .
asked Sep 3, 2015 in New Features by ZemliaX (31 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
there is no direct link between football stats and anything that appears before it,  thats why u have a trial button for them to check those skills   ( it does last 24hours to see those).

The only rule is higher potential sex appeal= better stats, but even that comes with large enough variation in skills to prevent anything to be fully predictable
answered Sep 3, 2015 by carnacien (1,895 points)
My guess is, the potential sex appeal does set the upper limit on the stats you can get, but it doesn't raise the lower limit. So, an ugly girl will never be a decent football player, but you have no guarantee a divine girl will be any good. Still, I see no point in turning non-divine girls into football players.

On a related note, it's the potential sex-appeal that matters, the actual value has nothing to do with it, so there's no point in pimping up your girls before converting them into players.