Why does all the money from the bank disappear???

+1 vote
asked Sep 10, 2015 in New Features by geunie (22 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Well... someday i got arrested and minutes latter another player put me off the jail.

Its cost me 25k removed from my banc acont.

The other guy keeps the money (like a kind of bouty for rescue you).

So be carefull.
answered Sep 15, 2015 by Cybersky (18 points)
0 votes
Maybe we should seperate between cash money and money at the bank account.

Cash can be taken by your opponent when you lose a cock fight (the amount depends on the ratio of money between you and your opponent), but except you have really low cash (under 5k, which is the minimum), you won't lose everything. Furthermore you pay for getting out of jail/hospital (like mentioned below), but not ALL your money .

(Just in case you are a member of a gang. If you 'lose' money from your safe bank account, you should be sure nobody, you gave your password, has spend it to your gang. This can be seen at the gang HQ under weekly achievements or at the general gang overview for the whole time.)
answered Sep 16, 2015 by Jack69 (2,314 points)