how to get better girls when casting

+2 votes
asked Sep 18, 2015 in New Features by dodgygeeza (52 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Be a higher level and have higher sweet talking
answered Sep 19, 2015 by dogma9821 (52 points)
selected Sep 19, 2015 by dodgygeeza
The question explicitly asks about casting. Your level, your sweet-talking, and your attractiveness do matter when you're cruising the city, or picking up girls in the pub or disco. I don't think either has any influence here - after all, it's not you who actually does the casting. What does matter, though, is how much money you're willing to spend.

The sliders here only set the limits on the girls' stats, the stats themselves are random.
I would like to know the same thing tho. Ur answer really isnt answering the question. I pay top dollar for a group of girls with a high sex appeal and they come as 1/1 or their max being, at the most, 8. Should I pay less? or change the temper? What am I doing wrong here?
You're doing nothing wrong, you simply have been unlucky. As I said, the sliders only set the limits on the stats, the stats are random but within the limits set with the sliders. I did get a few girls with the sex appeal of 100 from casting, but it took me tens of tries. It's very rare - but possible - to land a divine girl this way. Try and try again.

Or, try a different way - my first significant source of divine girls was the car. When I bought the best one and fully upgraded it, I started landing a divine girl daily at least from cruising the city.