how does one collect gifts

0 votes
How do I collect gifts?
asked Sep 19, 2015 in FAQ by Snakeit (54 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but if you mean "how do I get gifts for the girls" the answer is:

You buy them in the mall. The store is called For Her.
answered Sep 22, 2015 by rubberduck (678 points)
I keep getting a flashing xxx from friends that says I have been sent a gift.
Are you in a gang? It's possible that gang members can send gifts but I really don't know since I'm not in a gang. Someone else maybe knows? Otherwise the only gifts I know of are random gifts sent when a player adds a player as friend. That would be like cougars and such, and they just appear, you dont have to collect them.
Well what do you know, it appears I was wrong! What you do is you check the panel at the bottom of your screen, it's active when you log in and shown with an up arrow  if you closed the window. To the left in that panel is a green square, click and collect. I thank you for bringing my attention to it!!!
+1 vote
First make some buddies by adding people as friends. Start from me as example.

Then you will be able to send them gifts ocasionaly. Small red icons appear on their av.

And you will be sent gift from them everytime they accept yours (automaticaly).

Or people loving you will send you gift... and when you accept they get rewarded back

 everyone benefits.

Add me as your buddy and send me gift. When I accept yours you get something from me.
answered Sep 27, 2015 by zszszs (30 points)
edited Sep 27, 2015 by zszszs