position/pose quality

0 votes
How do you get the pecentage up on quality for sex positions in amateur  films cant see any change with an average newbie actress and a devine experienced  one having made alot of films
asked Sep 26, 2015 in FAQ by dodgygeeza (52 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

Don't put all three sliders at 100% :) Every type of movie has a different sliders position which gives it 100% of its potential. The potential depends on the girl, location, toys, etc., but how much you make out of it depends on the sliders.

You can search this forum for slider settings, just put the required movie type in the search box. Or check here: http://hotcandyland.com/hotline/116/przepisy-na-filmy-99%25 - the thread is in Polish, but the screenshots are pretty readable, and the last post summarizes everything in a very easy to understand way.

answered Sep 26, 2015 by Hermenegild (579 points)
Have made good films with 90+ success rates but still get same percentage for individual sex positions with different actresses in amateur films
These percentages do not depend on either the girl or sliders. Training in film school helps, that's for sure. I think your art sense skill helps, too, but I'm not sure of that.