Suggestion for the porn expo

0 votes
I think it would be really great if it was the actual players who could vote for their favorite movies, rather than an automatic result. Myself, and some fellow players do take pleasure in putting covers, but i feel the expo lacks visibility and the possibility to give thumbs up and is therefore a bit wasted. And since the reward isnt that great gamewise i dont think u d have an issue with collusion/gang voting.

Pple would receive 3 votes per day for amteur movies, and 5 per week for pro, maybe even allowed to buy some more (keep that limited) or win some (a connaisseur perk)

Dont hesitate sharing some thoughts about this, and just upvote this post if u like the idea. ty
asked Oct 8, 2015 in New Features by carnacien (1,895 points)
edited Oct 8, 2015 by carnacien

1 Answer

+4 votes
Best answer
While I do like the general idea, I'm afraid nobody would be bothered to vote. Well, maybe if there was a prize for voting, that would change.

And I actually have an idea of what the prize could be: the winning movie (to watch in your appartment) if it's yours or the one you voted for. (Come to think of it, the winning prize could be changed for that even now, without any change to the voting procedure; it would not unbalance the game, and yet it would be more fun than your money back. And yes, I know you can watch it even now, but then you can't sell it - the prize would allow that.) This would require lowering the number of votes for amateur movies to one per day. On the other hand, retaining all the winning movie's attributes could make people to only vote for VD movies...

There's another issue, though: the movies entering the contest just before it ends would stand no chance of winning. So the contest must be shifted from the movie submission, i.e. movie was submitted on Tuesday -> it'd be voted on on Wednesday. This increases turnaround time.
answered Oct 8, 2015 by Hermenegild (579 points)
selected Oct 19, 2015 by carnacien
ye it obviously would need a little reshuffle with a "session open for votes" category but i didnt wanna be too specific, and i dont think it even needs a redrawing: juste keep the submit a movie on the left girl but instead of going straight into the middle section, it just goes into the memory and appears in the middle section (unchanged except for the vote button) when the next session opens. Time does increase indeed but i dont see why that would be a problem.

Noone voting would indeed be a problem but this post might tell if theres some interest. Also once u d take out the 99% generic covers, i think checking the titles would be fun, just have to trust the community to get creative.

I like ur reward idea especially if it d give a higher excitation bonus (smthing like +10, dont wanna kill their premium items market), i think its a useful bonus to make the expo relevant yet not unbalance the game