How do i earn alot of money

0 votes
I've been playing everyday but i just cant make enough money, im level 28 and at level 30 i want to have the 2 million to get a pro film licence but everyday i can only earn around $200,000 from royalty and booble, am i just missing a way to earn money or what, Plz halp.
asked Oct 10, 2015 in FAQ by ShadoWlf (22 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes

My first reaction, after reading just the title, was to say "Create a game like this"..,

My second reaction was to say that the best money was from pro movies...
But seriously. Spend some money on Booble ads, this way you can increase your Booble income to almost 5M/day (6M a day from memberships, less 1M for ads). Putting some content there (photos/amateurs/webcams) and investing in intelligence also helps. There's a point when you don't even need to spend money on the ads, the content itself - updated often - is enough, but that's probably far away; I got there around level 70, I think.

If you can, save money for the best car in town - once you go for a ride in it, you have a pretty good chance of landing a divine girl, and divine girls are key to high income. For me, the car did make a huge difference in girls quality. Plus, you can do it every 10 minutes. This itself can give you as much as 18k per hour.

answered Oct 10, 2015 by Hermenegild (579 points)
+1 vote
Mostly money comes from being active (pleasing cougars, giving jobs to ur girls, shooting movies and pics)

Other tricks that can help u get it faster are: get the free drug at the disco as much as u can and sell it, and send gifts to active high level players (u will receive one back when they open it, and the size of the gift is lvl dependent)

Last possibility for quick cash, u use ur candy coins to get pple out of jail/hospital in exchange of cash.

Anything else is like hermegild said, u get more money through investing :booble ads and servers, better car, better looking girls always brings more
answered Oct 10, 2015 by carnacien (1,895 points)
How do i send a gift
Carnacien, a better way to transform CC into $$ is to buy 10 good condoms and use them on cougars which has been in your books a few times already. I can get about $60k per gum extra this way; IIRC, with 10 +60% condoms costing 4 CC it makes about $150k per CC. Compare it with about $40k/CC for the jail/hospital bailout.

This math might not work for lower levels, though - for one, it can be difficult to please a cougar well enough for her to want into your book; for two, you'd probably be using smaller condoms, with lower bonuses.

Also, it's a waste to use those condoms on anything else (street hookers or fuck buddies). And to make it worse, they appear on the list in the exact same place as the ones you normally use - it's easy to misclick and waste them.

As for sending a gift, you have to first add the person to your friends list. This list rolls up from the screen bottom - click the up arrow in the center of lower border, click the gear, search for someone, add him, and you can send them gifts.

I've just added you to my list.