What's the point in buying better security staff?

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What's the point in buying better security staff?
Because right now it's near useless even against the attackers weaker than you. That is, when you're offline or even just AFK for a mere 30-40 minutes, first raid fails but removes your security, and you don't get any protection because you "won", but then the second raid from the same person (after a relatively short time in the hospital) always succeeds. And all you can do in return is that useless (if he doesn't have any busy brothels) sabotage.
I can understand when a player spending the real money gets some (preferably indirect) advantage over the free player, but right now the game gives an ultimate and unfair advantage to the repeating attacker when BOTH players are NOT spending the CC at all. This is a very serious balance issue and should be fixed ASAP IMO. Like, forbidding to raid the same target after FAILED attempt for a longer time than standard protection after successful robberies.
asked Oct 11, 2015 in FAQ by sekrop (29 points) 1 flag

1 Answer

–2 votes
I agree this situation is not balanced, but I don't like the proposed solution.

Let's look at the reality. First, if someone knows he might be attacked, he has the opportunity to prepare some nasty surprises for the attacker. The attacker can too, true, especially right at the start (surprise) but for most time it'll be the defender who sets out the rules of engagement, especially if they're on the same technological level (as in this game). So, in a combat the attacker should have strong advantage over the defender in the first round but the balance should be quickly shifted to the defender, and stay there. During the whole fight, innocents might get wounded or killed; this includes clients, girls, bartenders, bystanders, etc.

Second, if you get attacked, the police comes to investigate. They will not be too interested in defending you, should you be attacked again, but they will defend themselves, and will stay there for a while; anybody attacking during this time 1) will face a bit stronger and trained opposition, and 2) risks being jailed. On the other hand, the normal function of the building will be suspended for the time being, so you earn nothing.

Third, if the police comes, they're likely to keep a few of your guards for a while to testify. They'll heal them, if needed, but they're not going to release them soon. So, if you need to still be able to defend, you should have some spare guards.

Fourth, the investigation can result in one or both sides being jailed. The attacker can get jailed if there's evidence pointing to him, like video recording or wounded left in place. The defender can wiggle out of the unfair gun use (if he can prove he was not an aggressor, like via video recording) but can still face charges if the building's real use is discovered;

Translating this to game terms:

1) first round of combat the advantage belongs to the attacker, for the remaining rounds the advantage is to the defender. The exact amount of advantage might for example depend on building upgrades (think hidden rooms with guards, reinforced doors, or centralised door control);

2) an attack, whether successful or not, has a strong chance to trigger police investigation on the site. The police investigation takes some time (4h?); during this time anybody attacking this building faces stronger opposition, plus risks being jailed on the spot; this protection does not cover other buildings of the same player; you get no income from a building which is being investigated. You can bribe the police to go away (CC?) but you lose any protection they offer;

3) when the investigation ends, your guards are healthy but kept in the prison (for a day?), possibly some of your girls are kept too as witnesses (this should be random, and generally shorter than the guards arrest); you can bail them out (with money after half time or with CC instantly), the building is working, and if you have some idle guards, they can take up the posts in the building, best first.

What do you think?
answered Oct 12, 2015 by Hermenegild (579 points)
I think your solution only punishes the raid victim even more and promotes creating multiple accounts just to disrupt the game for someone. And the advantage in the early or late rounds is irrelevant here. Problem is too short time between repeating raiding attempts. And it is only natural to extend that time after the failed raid to even longer time than standard protection after successful raid. After all, raider's men should be afraid of the player who had just beaten them.
How it punishes the victim? First, you're protected better during those 4 hours, as anybody raiding you during this time faces both police and jail time. Say somebody with three accounts attack you with one. The police investigation triggers, and now he's not prevented from attacking you with those other two accounts, but will almost certainly lose (it's your guys plus police fighting on your side, the police won't stand still if somebody tries to attack the crime scene) and will face jail time (the police will likely have their recording equipment with them, and it can be used as proof in the court). Plus, you get your guards healed automatically, even if they're held for a while, and they'll be replaced by the spare guards. Just keep 5-10 guards idle (i.e. with no building assigned) and they'll replace the wounded guards automatically.

And imagine what happens - in real life - if somebody actually wins a fight against police. If that happens, the aggressor has a snowball's chance in hell not to be jailed, and not for just 15 minutes, with no bailout.

As for the raider being afraid of anybody they got beaten by, that's not necessarily true. Sometimes that first attack is used for reconnaissance, for scouting the defenses, and the information gathered here is used in the second attack. This is called "reconnaissance by fire". My opinion is, they should be afraid, yes, but of violating the law, and not of the winning player.
because of "no income from a building which is being investigated" even more profit is lost; twice bad if the victim is competing in the pimp league; even worse if the only way to get rid of this "protection" is CC
Come on. Your main source of income is the movies you make, not your whores. When I come in the morning and pick up the income of all my brothels, I earn about $10M; picking up the earnings of the movie producer and Booble yields about $50M.

It's also a bit difficult to perform something illegal (remember, brothels are illegal) while the police is running all over the place. You were attacked, you are bound to lose something. If not for this rule, you would lose nothing, and this doesn't make any sense. True, this will hurt your settings in the pimp league, but still we're talking about just one building. Plus, the rest of my proposal should decrease the number of attacks by making the attacker to think twice about the risks.

If you have another idea, or an amendment to mine, I'll be happy to hear it.
Come on. Why should i "lose something" if i fucking WON the first fight? Especially when the attacker has nothing to lose in return and nothing stops him from raiding the remaining brothels (unlike IRL, where you can find the little bugger and make sure he will never do it again). And even "just one building" (most likely the best one packed with the best girls) could be enough to screw the pimp league progress completely. Awarding the loser and punishing the victor in the game, now THAT doesn't make any sense.

As for other ideas, well, maybe the free security guys to replace the wounded automatically after the successful defence of the brothel (and the raider never knows how many more are there to repel him)
The least you lose when being attacked, even if you won, is time. This time does translate to money, especially in case of a business building, like a brothel. But what you're really paying for with your income, is security from this particular attacker.

Does the attacker have really nothing to lose? Jail time is nothing?

Sekrop, why it's just me who has to come up with ideas? It's easy to criticize, it's much harder to come up with something new. In my opinion, the solution I proposed offers adequate protection for the defender, and a significant risk for the attacker. Yes, it does give a risk to the pimp league. And I do even have a few ideas how to solve this problem. But, why should I do all the work, and all you do is just to criticize? You'll hear no new ideas from me until you come up with some of your own. Might be something entirely new, or an amendment to mine, your choice.
i did already propose a better ways to get the security from that particular attacker without any unnecessary penalties for the victim

and yes, jail time is nothing for certain players compared to the damage they can do, esp if they're about to be going afk anyway
Hermenegild wrote, "When I come in the morning and pick up the income of all my brothels, I earn about $10M; picking up the earnings of the movie producer and Booble yields about $50M." How can I make the maximum amount of money from movies? I'm currently only making 2 million from BJ movies and I can make that in 1 raid, which is a lot easier.
The keyword here is, high-level pro movies. I'm able to get up to ~600M per gangbang movie. This is scattered over a few days, but then in 3 days I'm able to get the next movie, so... basically it's about 200M a day from pro movies alone.

This is nothing compared to what was possible before the pro movies were rebalanced a few months ago - my record earnings were 2.1B from a single movie.