What is going on???

+1 vote
I clearly have the biggest  and longest dick (in a cock fight) and I loose the fight! Why?????

What do I need to do, to win this fight????
asked Oct 11, 2015 in New Features by geunie (22 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Dick size means little, other aspects of the game are taken into account, read through the Forums.
answered Oct 11, 2015 by RandomModel (36 points)
+2 votes
Perhaps the not so experienced players would like a more precise answer?
In cock fights size does matter, but that's not all.
Cock swag, ie treatments in the spa and training in the outhouse matters too.
Be aware that cock fighters might have spent lots of time and/or CC's training in the outhouse. Boring as hell but effective if you are pursuing the cup.
answered Oct 14, 2015 by rubberduck (678 points)