Placeholder text in designing cover view

+1 vote

When I add a new text area while designing my candybox, the placeholder text is Hot Candy a sdf asdf a sdf as df ads f dsf dsf adsf  adsf bum, which as a programmer I totally understand, however the beta is now open.

The text itself is so long it is hard to resize the text box. Even after clearing the text itself, the box remains the original size and I have to drag it to the left and shrink it, then drag, then shrink and so on. 

Proposed solution:
Change the placeholder text to Hot Candy Land or even Hot Candy Text to leave it recognisable in the code.

closed with the note: Solved
asked Feb 15, 2014 in Bugs by pavulon (14 points)
closed Feb 15, 2014 by cpiusz

1 Answer

0 votes
Thank you! Bug is fixed.
answered Feb 15, 2014 by cpiusz (874 points)