Massage parlor

–1 vote
How do I get Spesial services and extras in my massage parlors ?
asked Oct 15, 2015 in FAQ by alieninnorway (46 points)

1 Answer

+6 votes
In time high level girls will develop special skills. You cant control it, but if your girl has a speciality you can assign her to a parlor where it's demanded.
answered Oct 17, 2015 by rubberduck (678 points)
So I get a down vote, but not a correction or comment?
Interesting. If I gave a wrong answer correct me.
i think they just dont like how it works and shoot the messenger
You're probably right. And it's not an unreasonable reaction. But hardly a very productive one. Btw, did you give me an up vote to level the score? If so, thank you!