security issues

–1 vote
Can I only have those 4 slots for security or can I get more slots ?
asked Oct 19, 2015 in FAQ by alieninnorway (46 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
its limited per building, its also a limited number when u attack, but theres no limits to how many u can have in total (but its useless to have more than u can use)
answered Oct 19, 2015 by carnacien (1,895 points)
In another thread ( ) I suggested a change to the "its useless to have more than u can use" rule. Basically, you could have extra guards, and they would take the place of any guards which were wounded in an attack against you. This way the attacker wouldn't know how many extras you have, and wouldn't be able to plan his attacks to bleed you out. Does this make sense? I'd like some opinion on it before I present it to the devs.
That would make Heavy Pimpin' Kit much less useful. So good luck, but I doubt they'll accept such change.
True, it would. But it wouldn't make it totally useless - HPK also provides healing for the guards, while my proposal doesn't. In my opinion, HPK is much too strong as it is. But, maybe that's just me.
But your proposal would work almost the same as HPK :)
What could stop you from buying 100 extras? :D
Nothing. Well, maybe they would need to be paid in some way... That's open for discussion. You're right here.
But HPK is not limited to this defender trick. I remember it wasn't even the reason I bought it. The reason was the extra whore slots in the package. The whores themselves are long gone now, I think.. but the slots are still in heavy use.