Speed up the process at Al's please

0 votes
As the game progresses you get a shitload of movies and photos you to sell.
You have to this one by one which is very tiresome.
Please let us handle movies and photos in bulk.
asked Oct 21, 2015 in New Features by rubberduck (678 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
I don't think this is needed for movies, and I'm not convinced it's needed for the photos either.

You don't actually make that many movies, even if you're only shooting amateur "Plain fucks". Besides, Al has a limit and won't take more than a few movies at a time. (Or maybe I'm wrong, and that limit applies only if you want to take royalties and not a lump sum? Please correct me if I am, as I never thake any other offer than royalties, they bring most money.)

Besides, a better place for photos and amateur movies is - in my humble opinion - Doodle. This way the photos and movies keep paying back for a looooooooooong time, even if their influence does go down with time. And putting one more photo or movie in Doodle is just one more click, if you're doing it in batches.

And pro movies are more complicated, you don't really want to speed up the process.
answered Oct 21, 2015 by Hermenegild (579 points)
I'm sure you are right, you usually are. But you do see this from the perspective of a lvl 83 player, who has probably got all upgrades the game can offer. Players who have not invested in a top class server easily reaches max number of viewers. Then what? Will it still pay off to upload to server? I don't know, but I don't think so.
As for Al's interest I've never found a limit to the number of films he will accept, nor for the number of photos. If you present the same location and actress over and over again he will get tired of you, but if you vary them he just goes on making offers. Royalty all the time, of course.
Well, Doodle was always one of my priorities, and I invested in a new server as soon as I could; in effect, I don't recall ever hitting the movie or photo limit, and I think I hit the viewer's limit just once (not counting the ultimate server, of course). The movies and photos you put there make up the server's content, and this is what brings new viewers. I would still say it does pay to upload new content when the server is full of viewers, as it allows you to spend less on ads; but this is not an absolute fact, and I can accept a different preference.

I never thought the girl is what specifies the limit for Al. I never use actresses for amateur movies, I usually just make movies with a single fuckbuddy over and over until she becomes an actress. I'll need to switch her roles with the one doing the photos. Thanks for the hint.
Overjoyed if I could add to your knowledge of this game. After all that's what we're here for, to learn and let others learn. :)