is there any way of preventing online cockfights.

–2 votes
if i am playing and doing cougars obviously my cock aint going to be as big as a high players who is just waiting for online players to play and using their excitement?  

why if they are higher leveled and therefore has to grow the cock to get the level are they awarded points for cockfighting player beneath there level

the two factors combined means its getting stupid trying to play - log in get hit, cant grow yout dick offline so have to log in just to get hit again,
asked Oct 22, 2015 in FAQ by XiTing (13 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Short answer:
Long answer:
Well there is but it is in the hands of the ones who choose to challenge another player to a cockfight. They can choose not to challenge an online player, but unfortunately they have no other incentive to do so than just being nice. And for low lvl players the fact that they have to pay to change opponent makes choosing even less attractive.
On the other hand you should never expect other players to just be mean. Most will try to avoid such behavior if they can.
answered Oct 22, 2015 by rubberduck (678 points)
Whether people can be mean really depends on how much there is to earn when winning against you, and how easy it is. When I recently bought everything I could, I suddenly began swimming in money, and since the bank has a limit ($2B+), I had to carry quite a lot with me (my record was $800M+). When you win, you win 10% of the cash the loser carries; in my case it amounted to $80M. Quite an incentive to attack me, right? So, every 4 hours I got attacked, and lost 10% of my money. Most of the time, it was one of just two players, one during a day and the other during a night, with about 4h 15s between attacks - the protection lasts for 4h, so they had to actually hunt for me. So, yes, players are generally nice, but greed may overrule this easily :)
Soon as I was done with the classes at the academy I stopped with the cockfights. I guess I'm being silly but I just think it's to degrading to participate in such. Just think what Freud would have said. :-)
But with that kind of reward even I would be tempted. You clearly need to do something about that.
just wonder what would Sigmund  think about people joining a game of pimps :-)
0 votes
There are a few things you can do:

1)  Stash whatever cash you can in a Bank.  If you have 0$ on you when you're not online, this means that the incentive to hit you is just a couple thousand dollars.  This can be helpful.

2)  Slow down advancing levels.  You can use a lack of mojo to put the breaks on advancing; this isn't perfect as Sex Teachers require passing a final exam and the Spa Treatments require Mojo to win.

3)  Alternatively, you can pony up 25 CC for the rebuild.  I think the early part of the game requires a sort of "jack of trades" abilities, but you can potentially rebuild and drop stats later in the game.  Strength lets you get girls via fighting and cash, which means it can dominate other skills, like seduction, if you intend to play the game this way.

4)  An out of game appeal to be "removed" from the list of Cockfighting targets may make sense too, but that's something someone else will have to do.
answered Nov 5, 2015 by Bunga_Bunga (14 points)