Start to really don't like this game.

–3 votes
Reason: If somebody stronger decide to cock fight u again and again for ex. have no chance. Your mojo goes down, out from game for 30min. And if put on black list to teach a lesson just fuck your self with-  'couse are weeker, with any option of sabotage will sabotage your self . I wonder how can actually play this game ?
asked Oct 31, 2015 in FAQ by Gobz (43 points)

4 Answers

+1 vote
You have 30 mins of shame, then you have 3hrs 30 mins of Protection

You have actress and working girls to work with, you can still play Footie, Even Better with 3hrs plus Protection, Put some time in The OH.
answered Oct 31, 2015 by OneHungLo (155 points)
–2 votes
Well lvl 62 is when it starts getting really nasty, i agree (as in getting re-attacked less than 5 min after u leave protection) , but as said already, u have a 4 hours protection, and even while humiliated theres plenty things u can do.

The way i see it u have plenty of options: take a week (or more) where u put all ur excitation in the outer house stats, join the gang of the pple that bug u, ask them nicely to spare u (some might agree actually, tough in competitive leagues it might be optimistic that everyone does), restart a char and become the strongest mfer in the game, or just accept it as an hinderance and plan ur play knowing that ll happen.

Do know, however that pple dont do it just to be assholes, the trophies are very important for competitive gangs, and with this new-ish gang challenge, even without hopes of a trophy we have to do a lot of those dick fights
answered Nov 1, 2015 by carnacien (1,895 points)
+2 votes
I can't stop wondering why the punishment of shame should fall upon a player that has not challenged to a fight. 
If the punishing of players who perhaps never wanted to participate in cock fights was to be excluded, those who wants to fight could do so without messing with other players game. This would be like in the fooball league, where if your team gets challenged and loses, no shame or other punishment falls upon you.
On the other hand, If a player who challenged another to a cockfight and lost suffered from shame, then the time lost to recuperate would seem reasonable. 
answered Nov 1, 2015 by rubberduck (678 points)
i like that, at least put the humiliation to 50% instead of 10, it would let pple play the game after getting defeated
Do you mean the defeated player would be left with a "semi-hard on"?
Interesting idea, it would at least leave some room for shooting a movie and such.
gotta say that semi hard has a better ring than humiliated ! (guess humiliated can remain for the failed attacker, and semi hard for the defeated defender)
Well, between us I think we may have solved the problem. Too bad no one is listening...
0 votes
Just make sure you are stronger in the Raid, and raid all those players who challenge you to a cockfight, the challenges will end soon :)
answered Jan 1, 2016 by mister8 (14 points)
Players who likes to do a lot of cockfights usually claims not to select opponents, just going with the next suggested by the game. If this is true your method wont work. On the other hand, why would anyone believe that they don't check out the opponents before attacking?