Simple fix to the problem with cock fights

+62 votes
Every time I check the cock fight league I see the same thing. Only 3 to 5 players are actually competing for the cup, the rest are just bystanders and victims.
I know that some players think that cock fights are the essence of the game and of course they are entitled to their view, but if 80% or more of a population at a given time disagrees it should count for something. The way I see it the devs can either consider the views of the majority or let the game turn into a cock fighters game, risking to lose a considerable part of the current population of players.
The problem isn't the cock fights per se, the problem is that players that maybe never wanted to take part in cock fights get punished by the ones who do want to fight, and loses game time or Candy Coins in the process.
Now some will say don't complain, just put in the time or CC's at the outhouse and join the fight. But if more than 80 % of the players in the league I'm currently in hasn't chosen to do that before, what are the chances they'll start now? I know I won't.
Luckily the problem is easy to fix.
If you are challenged to a cock fight and lose, you lose money, mojo and on top of that you suffer from humiliation for about 30 mins. If your football team gets challenged and you lose, nothing of this happens. Obviously it would be easy to apply the same for the cock fights. Then the players interested in cock fighting could fight all they want without bothering other people.
Or they could choose to just adjust the percentage of humiliation ( although I don't understand why a player who hasn't challenged to a fight should be ashamed of losing ) to say 50 %, leaving the defeated player with a "semi hard on".
To make it more interesting for the cock fighters the full punishment of humiliation could be kept for challenging players who lost the fight.
Now if you are one of the many that don't like cock fighting, don't you think it's time to do something about the problem? Vote up, maybe the devs will finally notice.
And of course all you who likes to fight but would rather do it without bothering other people, can vote up too.
asked Nov 4, 2015 in New Features by rubberduck (678 points)
edited Nov 4, 2015 by rubberduck

10 Answers

–6 votes
+1, and i add a tl/dr for the developers:plz change humiliation into semi hard for pple who re not participating in cock fight, so that normal players dont quit when they hit high-ish levels.
answered Nov 4, 2015 by carnacien (1,895 points)
edited Nov 4, 2015 by carnacien
–7 votes
While I agree wih you premise, I would like to point out a good reason why they may not change it.  CCs!  People spend real money or sign up for those "free" offers for CCs.  What drives people to buy CCs the most?  Downtime, no one likes to sit around for 30mins when they are supposed to be playing a game, so they spend CCs.


I would also like to say that the devs are still tweaking and improving the game, as well as working on other projects.  I hope that they see your post and implement what you said or a similar idea, but I would not be surprised if they keep the same system.  Unless of course, they could make more money another way.


I hope you do not think I am bashing your idea, I like it.  I also do not want people to think that all the devs care about is money; however, they do need it to make the project and their other projects better.  In 5 years this game or their others may be as big as a mainstream MMO like "WoW", but they need the founding to do it.


Thanks for your time. :)
answered Nov 5, 2015 by mfpsup (73 points)
Thank you for answering and thank you for your support.

Of course you are right the devs need to finance their project(s) and I absolutely don't mind that. Down time might serve as a way to boost players interest in spending CC's or it might just make them quit. I can't speak for other players, only for myself, but I do know I don't want to spend my CC's because some other player chooses to play the game in a way I don't like.
It is often said by the cock fighters that the down time isn't a problem since you are protected for a couple of hours after the hit. However this is of little consolation if you are not one of the players who are online for hours. If you only have an hour or less to put into the game at intervals you might just be unlucky enough to never get to play.
–11 votes
LOL losers... ;)
answered Nov 5, 2015 by Follet_Tortuga (1,385 points)
–7 votes
Shameless bump
answered Nov 7, 2015 by carnacien (1,895 points)
+6 votes
What Problem.??

As part of the Tutorial ay level 3 or 4 you have to enter a cock fight to progess in the game, That means it is an integral part of game play, Players should STILL Spend time in the Outhouse, even if there NOT going to actively compete in the Cock Fight League, this is their best form of Defence.
answered Nov 8, 2015 by RandomModel (36 points)
first let me admit that ur opinion is overwhelmingly the wiew of most people that play this game in top clans. But thats a bit tautological because obviously the pple that think otherwise either dont play in top clans, or have quit already.

Now the problem is that dick contest is the only thing that u cant avoid in this game. In my view, the developers succeded quite well in doing a free world where u can do whatever u want (play it gangster style, gigolo, webcam master,  pick up artist, anything u want really, nothing is mandatory), but the humiliation from the dick contest kills that once u enter the high levels, and thats when they quit, or restart a char. Now u re lvl 2X so maybe u dont realize  it , but at high lvls leagues become really nasty (as in, when i attack someone and  come out of protection, i often get reattacked while still being at 0 energy), and high caban scores wouldnt protect u unless u re the highest score in the division, which is certainly a tall order.
Anyway, the developers are the ones that can decide, but in my view  this simple change can increase the player base, by letting more casual players remain a part of the game
–4 votes
I agree, and the developers could allow for a "bust" at the Cockfights that would put all active participants - not bystanders (Victims) in jail - they already put pimps in jail for "collecting" from the massage parlors.  Such a move would at least balance the game. Otherwise, the "Hot Candy Land" will just turn into another War Game.
answered Nov 10, 2015 by Wheezer (28 points)
And of course the obvious charge would be indecent exposure.:D
Then we can have players arrested for raiding Parlours.?
Arrested for participation in Gang Wars.?

What else.;-)
Not that I recommend it but you have to agree it would be consistent.
If having girls working at parlors is a punishable crime in this game it's hard to tell why raiding parlors and participating in gang wars would not be.
personally im in favor of anything that adds depth to the game world, so im not all against it but in terms of gameplay i wouldnt like it, and more prosaically it would be considered a big slap on the game's paying customers,rightfully imo
isnt turning in a war game... ITS A BLOODY WAR GAME from origin! lol
+6 votes
I really can't see a problem with the cock fights.

The game caters for a lot of tastes and this is just one of them; not my taste but I manage without any problems.

I'm at level 92, without a gang and have stopped training in the outhouse a long time ago (boring). So of course I get my ass kicked on a regular basis.

What makes it easy is the 4 hour protection. That gives me a lot of time to make up for the lost mojo with football and street girls. And who cares about the money, there's so much of it around.

Okay, occasionally I log in and find myself with a limp dick. That doesn't happen very often though, and if it does then I can still do a few things in the game.

Did that help? Probably not. Anyway, it's just a game.
answered Nov 12, 2015 by Jack0815 (68 points)
You are perfectly right.
At your level, or even at my, it isn't a problem, just slightly annoying. And of course the time we spend in "shame" is much less than we would have to spend at the boring outhouse if we were to keep up with the cockfighters, so it's no brainer to skip it.
However this applies for us, at rather high levels and able to play long intervals.
But at lower levels and if you don't have time to spend hours online, it's another matter entirely. The game needs lots of players to grow and evolve, so I say let's let them play without needless interference.
for myself, its also how i take it, but i know plenty of pple that take it very hard, especially those who rushed levels early on. Maybe the penalty isnt as bad as it feels to some, but still, its real and i think "semi hard" will be seen as a funny moment (theres slang for it in every language, im sure) while "humiliated" is just not smthing that players log in to feel.
+4 votes
Agree on the cockfight punishment for losing is way to harsh, especially when considering 1 never intended to join on that cockfight. 
Cockfights are a part of the game and is a nice addition, but being punished for someone else attacking you is overdoing it. No punishment for losing a cockfight is justified as one never agreed on joining on it. 
(Should keep being punished when losing a cockfight we put up ourself though)
Mindless excuses as it was in the tutorial simply wont work (their never showed we were going to lose tons of cash many times a day, with the downtime added). And even if it would be all there in the tutorial, doesn't change the point that many people dont appreciate it. Deserted games dont make good profit i heard.
--->Pointless<--- encouraged harassment by the game is what this comes down to is all.
Give people opportunities (with CandyCoins) and they willl thank you, Forcing them to spend on senseless stuff which dosnt make them stronger makes them curse at the game.... not so hard to uinderstand that simple logic.
answered Sep 14, 2016 by Tera123 (29 points)
edited Sep 14, 2016 by Tera123
I have been playing as Free Player for about 1 1/2 yrs now. I play to pass the time and meet and enjoy the good people here at HCL. Not usually one however to chime in at the forum,but about the CF League problem, I do have an Idea. Please bear in mind that I'm not a programmer or a developer, so I'm not sure this is possible. My Idea is something in the options menu, that would allow those that do not want to participate in CF's to turn CF's off. Doing this would also take away entrance to the Outhouse, so that they can't increase OH numbers while opted out. Also to stop players from simply opting out when going offline, maybe a 24hr opting out time at both ends,( opt out-effective in 24 hrs, opting back in a 24 hr waiting period. Problem is the CF league needs a full roster, so those opted out will still be available for CF battle, but will not be assessed downtime, and perhaps a maximum of a loss of say, $5000,and 250 mojo. This way the active Cfer's are still rewarded with Ranking points (for their quest to trophy),and a little extra $ and mojo. For those opted out  there are many options to replenish their mojo and $ loss easily. Comments Anyone?
+7 votes

t h i s  i s  a  P I M P  g a m e . . .  no need to say nothing more, losers and cowards ...

answered Sep 19, 2016 by Escorxador (1,486 points)
pimp pimp hooray
No need to say nothing more is a opinion, not a fact, your opinion apparently. (Just as saying this is a pimpsgame which would justify bout anything in some ppls eyes). Which not everyone agrees on.
Ah yea and let me rephrase for a sec, ''There are longtime players and newer players'' Thumbs up on denying the newer players to have a good time here. Im loving your Bold and caps writing though, looks so mature and more important that way.

Funny is how some of these peopl are defending something that (possibly) benefits ONLY the game-developers, but gives NO benefit to either the winner or loser in the cockfight.

Even funnier is it to waste our time writing here and hope for the game to change anything on the existing features like the cockfight. Iv seen some games in the 30 years i'm on the net now (yes that's approx how long internet exists). Games often update and put in new features, but times that a game changed a existing feature.... O well many games out there ;)
well tera123, then play that games and not ask to change that what make this has a long learn curve and need lots of hours to be competitive and strong... that's what i like from it, to play relaxed, join candy crush
Thankyou for your advice, but im perfectly able to make up my own mind about how i go with things without you meddling into it. And really... a long learn curve... for Its clear why your here in this game now.
and that's why u are a loser LOL
Gratz, if there was a prize for senseless reasoning and replying, then you'd be the winner with that last remark
+6 votes
i like it as it is: brutal, hard and no mercy for weaks
answered Sep 22, 2016 by Maulet (3,238 points)