Epidemy of downvotes in the forum

–2 votes
I suppose ill get many downvotes for this, but seriously whoever moderates the forum should really do smthing about this, every post now gets downvoted for no good reason. I have my opinion about who does it and why, so i dont care but this is really giving a poor image of the community to starting pple, which is undeserved as i think most pple are nice or at least polite ingame (language barrier being a problem aside).

Anyway, if pple have questions, dont hesitate (tough u could try the search function first, it never hurts), most pple here and ingame are friendly.
asked Nov 7, 2015 in New Features by carnacien (1,895 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
it's pandemic or epidemic? contagius? thx in advance
answered Nov 9, 2015 by Segador (862 points)