Very TIRED from that f*cking anti-bot

+12 votes
i'm very tired of that antibot... go to shit with it !!!

asked Nov 10, 2015 in New Features by Almogaver (1,084 points)

3 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
I like it ;)
answered Nov 12, 2015 by Segador (862 points)
selected Jun 1, 2016 by Almogaver
0 votes
While it may seem annoying it is there to prevent people from cheating with the tedious tasks at the outhouse and gym.
Given your recent posts in the forum one would think you would appreciate that.
answered Nov 10, 2015 by rubberduck (678 points)
well, it seems don't work, seeing how many times you get shame LOL hehehe
true, it helps to have people far from outhouse, better for us ;)))
0 votes

I'm tired of not getting the joke about being clean as a thai.

answered Mar 5, 2016 by roseturquoise (37 points)
hola cuartrapa ;)