How can I have a greater dick ?

0 votes
Hello !

I would have a greater dick for win challenges but I don't where I could training ?

Thank you :)



Pour gagner les défis il faut avoir une plus grande bite mais je ne sais pas où m'entrainer,quelqu'un peut il m'aider?

Merci :)
asked Nov 22, 2015 in New Features by mrps (18 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
si tu parles des defis des professeurs de l ecole, il te faut des traitements au spa.

si tu parles de la ligue, monter ta bite montera aussi ton lvl, donc celui de tes adversaires , et ce ne sera pas une solution. Ce qu il faut dans ce cas, c est s entrainer a la cabane.

Et pour augmenter sa taille, il te faut principalement sauter des cougars, des plans cul et tourner des films. Faire des photos et trouver des boulots a tes filles font aussi grandir ton membre, mais moins vite.

Bon jeu a toi
answered Nov 22, 2015 by carnacien (1,895 points)
selected Nov 22, 2015 by mrps
D'accord merci beaucoup !
Bon jeu à toi aussi
Good advice as always when carnacien is in the forum.
But my friend, even though it's always  fun to try to understand french, why not follow the very welcome initiative of mrps and provide a translation?
well there was nothing there that hasnt been said many times in here , but so u dont feel excluded:
- if u mean the challenge from the teachers, u need spa treatments
- if u mean the cock fight league, longer dick will also mean higher lv, therefore better opponents, which isnt a solution. What u need then is training in the outhouse
- to raise dick size, u mostly must shag cougars and fuckbuddies, and shoot movies. Photoshoots and getting jobs for ur girls also will increase ur member's size, but slower.
No no, that's not what I meant. After all I can google. But as he actually made the effort to translate his question, I think you could have done the same, just to encourage the behavior. I believe it would mean a lot to the forum if it became common practice. And pardon my french, I'm not good enough to correct Google
Non, non, ce ne est pas ce que je voulais dire. Après tout ce que je peux google. Mais comme il a effectivement fait l'effort de traduire sa question, je pense que vous auriez pu faire la même chose, juste pour encourager le comportement. Je crois que ce serait une grande signification pour le forum si il est devenu pratique courante..