do you ever run specials on candy coins it would be nice for the holidays

+2 votes
do you ever run specials on candy coin it would be nice for the holidays
asked Dec 18, 2015 in FAQ by toledobi (29 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Free Candy Coins can only be obtained by solving the quests (1-40 CC), level-up (1 CC) or from getting gifts (random event after you reached level 50). I have played this game for a long time and never had seen some CC chase/ special events.

You should remind the fact that bought CC is the main income of the game providers. Throwing CC out is not in their interest;-)
answered Dec 18, 2015 by Jack69 (2,312 points)
There's one more source of CC some of you might not be aware of: reporting bugs. If you notice something clearly wrong in the game, you can report it to the developers (look in the bottom right of the screen) and if it's really a bug and your report is the first, you get some CC as a reward. I did it twice already, and got about 10CC each time.
0 votes
Not to argue with Jack69 but "run specials" in the question could mean having special offers on buying CC's.

If so the answer is yes and I would be surprised if there would not be a "X-mas offer" in that department soon.
answered Dec 18, 2015 by rubberduck (678 points)
But in general you get a girl (actress or hooker) and some boosts. I would bet on an advantage package for the new feature ;-)
And right you were. :)