Cant find item

0 votes
I bought 350 diamonds and got a random item i cant find.

Since im from sweden it said the item was called "visare"

I guess it would be "pointer" in English. It looked like a part of a device with a pointer.

Where can i see it?
asked Dec 20, 2015 in New Features by tevlar (12 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
in the museum, the show windows where u can see all items u can build, and u ll see what u already have

The items from museum are very nice but expensive and/or pretty hard to get


(its probably part of the pimp my dick item, 2nd from last)
answered Dec 20, 2015 by carnacien (1,895 points)
edited Dec 20, 2015 by carnacien
Yes this is correct, it is a part of the pump my dick item, and you will find it in the museum. That is when you are lvl 20 and actually can go there... ;)
If by then you need a pointer as where to go, look me up.
ah ok, im not lvl 20 yet
I know, I checked. But you'll get there!
0 votes
they are at the Museum mate
answered Dec 20, 2015 by sstarwood1 (136 points)