What does levelling actresses up do?

0 votes
Pretty self explanitory
asked Dec 24, 2015 in FAQ by Nadis (16 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
they can take more classes, so they definitely make more money at the tent, and are able to become stars (all 3 grades of it).

I do not think however, that it affects the grade of the movies, if thats what u really wanted to know.


So simply put,  dont hesitate letting an actress go and get a better one, the lvl isnt important at all
answered Dec 24, 2015 by carnacien (1,895 points)
+1 vote
It does not affect the rating, but the income with leveled actresses (star(let)) is better;-)
answered Dec 28, 2015 by Jack69 (2,314 points)