how to beat, Dr Tai Ni Dik

0 votes
at what level, length etc can you beat him ? i am kinda stuck atm at the practice dosent seem to work
asked Dec 26, 2015 in FAQ by frank81 (17 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer
Practice does only work for cockfights with other players. Doctors can only be beaten by getting more mojo or by getting a bigger cock.
answered Dec 26, 2015 by pi_3141592 (44 points)
selected Dec 26, 2015 by frank81
pratice and spa service :D when u have all services at spa, u can beat player with high level than u
edit: if they dont have all services XD
0 votes
answered Dec 26, 2015 by carnacien (1,895 points)