is there a way to raise a girls temper?

+2 votes
in the deals of the night club i got a job worth 1.6m but although i have a girl with the sex appeal, she has 7 temper below what is needed. is there a way i can raise this?
asked Dec 28, 2015 in FAQ by bremfildier (50 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
No, The temper is set, it cannot ne be raised.
answered Dec 28, 2015 by BettySwollocks (23 points)
Yes your girls temper can be changed.

All your bitches & hoes> bitches & hoes> working girls> details
didn't find nothing to rais this
If you follow the path i posted above you will see to the right of temper a box you can edit with a warning that you can only do this once.

Forum does not allow screen shots to show you how sorry.
just upload screen shot another place and give the link