In the cock fight challenges, do you have to accept the next person up on the challenge button to receive credit?

0 votes
I've gone into my rankings on at least 5 occasions and challenged people and won, but never received the league points. (yes, they fell within the acceptable level range)

I've also lost, and still received the penalty, though.
asked Jan 20, 2016 in FAQ by arengeris (22 points)
edited Jan 20, 2016 by arengeris

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
the direct challenge does not give points, but u can avoid the "next person" by paying a little money (change opponent, right under the challenge button), or by revenging on someone who attacked u (as long as he isnt protected and is still within the right lvl margin)
answered Jan 20, 2016 by carnacien (1,895 points)
selected Jan 20, 2016 by arengeris
Thank you!
I did not know that. I knew I could change opponents, and that is what I started doing when I noticed I wasn't getting the points from manually picking them.