Upcoming update

+14 votes

- new gang building increasing warrior stats

- increased warrior stats to the current holders of buildings giving warrior stat bonuses

- new way of collecting money from the night club (insight into each offer and option to collect single ones)

- increase of cash & battle points from gang missions

- improved battle stats against large shadow gangs

- suggested new cock fight league level ranges:





asked Jan 22, 2016 in New Features by HotCandyLand (243 points)

5 Answers

+4 votes
mam kilka pytan odnosnie nowych lig:

1. czym sugerowala sie administracja tworzac taki wlasnie podzial lig?

2. dlaczego tenze podzial obowiazuje od ligi 65 wzwyz  a nie  wszystkich poziomow lig ?

3. dlaczego takie rozwiazanie zostanie wprowadzone teraz?

4. dlaczego podzial tyczy sie tylko ligi paly?

5. co z osobami, ktore nie wiedzac o planowanej zmianie podzialu lig, masowo odbieraly filmy powodujac wzrost lvl aby wskoczyc do innej ligi? czy zostanie to potraktowane na zasadzie - odebral to odebral?

6. czemu w ogole ma sluzyc nowy podzial lig? wyrownaniu szans, czy raczej poprawieniu sytuacji wybranych graczy?
answered Jan 22, 2016 by Purity (44 points)
there are more people, so less range more fairy play between levels
if u don't like changes, u can start  a new avatar or go for other game
I didn't say that I don't like changes - I asked a few questions , that's all .
The reason we decided to split the range levels is that the amount of players in the highest leagues has grown a lot and the level range is so wide that it has become very hard for people who just advanced to stand any chance at all.

As the game keeps on growing we will monitor this and keep splitting if needed.
To answer point 2.  Below level 65 most leagues change every 10 levels (except the very early ones)  so the new update actually makes the higher leagues work more like the rest of them.
That's all? Job's done? Rest of my questions are uncomfortable for administration or what? Cause we aren't blind, for whom  these changes will be introduced...So I'll wait for rest of answers to see what's your point of view...
I'm pretty sure all questions have been answered.

To repeat myself - changes are introduced to ease a bit for new players advancing in the leagues to stand a chance. You don't have to "be blind" cause I wrote it pretty clearly :)  Higher leagues now work like the lower ones.  

Having very wide ranges on the high leagues made sense when there was not that many players - so everyone always had someone to fight with.
Of course :) everything's clear, as usually - benefit for the player whose fear of being in the same league with diabel6666 caused the introduction of a new CF league, of course all in the name of equal opportunities of players entering into a new CF league...
+7 votes
i like this new CFL ranges, more fairy play
answered Jan 23, 2016 by Follet_Tortuga (1,385 points)
Fairy play, what a perfect description of guys showing their dicks to each other!!!
Brilliant, just brilliant!
+5 votes
Maybe I should show the consequences for the not so statistical nerds.

Until today (?) we have the following distribution at the higher levels

level         95+;      94-80;      79-65
players    18;        96;            582

with 15 groups each round.

The suggested solution would rearrange the players into following groups.

level         99+;      98-88;      87-76;     75-65
players    14;        35;           139;         508

with even 15 groups each round.

Even when you continue your 10 level scheme

level          95+;     94-85;      84-75;     74-65
players     18;       48;            142;         488

there will be 15 groups.

For me as level 78 player your changes are a punch in the gut, because then i have to face everytime a CC runner from hell or the bunnies (the chances are high for the new 3 rounds in the  87-76 tier). Consequence for me is, i won't do cockfighting until those players left for the higher tier (unfortunately others will follow them), so i won't have a chance for months. Do you really wanted to encourage me playing this game?


answered Jan 25, 2016 by Jack69 (2,314 points)
edited Jan 25, 2016 by Jack69
nice of u to crunch some numbers, but i must say i completely disagree with your conclusion: for you i think it wont change that much, in fact the players to fear in the 75/86 range are actually the 75/79 (koto, onoskelis, gunnar, funguy), and u actually are rid of the plethora of 75- that go 500 too (kubus,ratatuj morigan, monika,...) while not getting the top 80/95 (sexyewa, arakiel).
Just having 3 leagues instead of 10 means less possibility of an easy league i admit but seriously i dont think it could be worse than the 65/79 leagues where i think i had a player who went 500 6 out of the 7 leagues i played there since they gave a platinum (and the 1 time i didnt was because they blocked each other in the 300s)

Tl dr: the problem is the plat trophy for 500 points, not the league distribution
Before i had 12 groups and hadn't to fight the mentioned before 80+ players (oh you are part of this group lately;-). Now i will be in constant shame because currently i see at least 7 CC runners for 3 groups (plus there will be more within 4 weeks). You will remember my words in the future.

I must admit currently the new platinum rule makes it impossible at this level to have a gold or silver cup. But today i only see 3 runners for the 500. When you have one platinum cup, your ambition to make a dozen or more will decrease (too expensive/exhausting or too boring).
I agree with carnacien, PROBLEM IS 500p PLATINUM TROPHIE... very bad upgrade that... better to quit the platinum trophie, all...
But developer want money... so, i think, we must accept that, because he don't think on free or low cost players
Only 3 chars went for 500 today, so u may be right that the last 2 weeks were  the anomally, and the 65/79 league was about to return to normal, while the 76/87 leagues will be a nightmare for a long time (no disagreement on that).

Still, im an optimist so i dont think it can get any worse
oh yeah... tell me and jack what to do on a only one CFL group 88-99 with arakiel and sexyewa... wait to their holidays? lmao...
what CF range more boring... since started, all monologue between sexyewok, azaquiel, mutooonto and stilltired... lol
–10 votes
Zgadzam się z graczami poniżej bez sensu podział zmiana totalnie na - tej gry.
answered Jan 26, 2016 by LLOOKKII (59 points)
+3 votes

what CF range more boring... monologue between sexyewok, azaquiel, mutooonto and stilltired... lol

answered Apr 13, 2016 by Follet_Tortuga (1,385 points)