Live Cams not really affecting client growth

–3 votes
It appears live cams are not really affecting client growth, even though it shows up correctly under the client growth graph.

My tests:

I'm maxed out on clients.

I turn off ALL live cams and put the subscription cost to the max it will allow while still having positive growth.

Results as expected - I get zero subscribers per tick.

I turn on all live cams and even raising the subscription by 0.1 will make me start losing subscribers per tick even though the client growth number is highly positive.

In fact, I see no difference whatsoever in the number of subscribers I get per tick with the cams on or off, even though the client growth number dispays correctly.

Can anyone reproduce?
asked Jan 23, 2016 in FAQ by Raleck (27 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
After fiddling with it around some more it appears any changes to live cams take quite a while (a few hours) to "kick in", even though the bonus to client growth is displayed immediately.
answered Jan 29, 2016 by Raleck (27 points)
selected Jan 29, 2016 by Raleck
yeah, but the bonus is displayed for (the next) 24 hours and the client growth happens when you collect the money (means you have to be active/online). Otherwise it would be possible to be offline for over 24 hours and still have client growth for the offlinetime. The same happens to the income. It would not exceed the displayed 24 hours income, even when you collect after 48 hours.
I understand the growth is for the next 24h but you would expect the number of subscribers to go up when you collect if you have positive growth and to go down if you have negative growth.

This is not the case for growth coming from live cams - even though the growth updates immediately, it will take a while for the live cam growth to take effect.

ie. If you have positive growth with your cams enabled but negative without the cams, if you turn all your cams off and then on again you will lose subscribers for a couple of hours until the growth from the cams kicks in again and you start regaining them.
lol, i didn't know that somebody could select his own answer as best answer. Although I guess my comment has answered your question properly;-)
+1 vote
If you have the girls doing a movie, photo shoot or other work they don't give the bonus.
answered Jan 23, 2016 by noth (16 points)
I understand how it works, but this is not the case. The girls aren't otherwise engaged. When that's the case the live stream bonus to growth isn't added to the client growth graph until the girls are free again.
I didn't notice any increase with the cam rooms either, seems like a huge waste of money right now :(
Read my other "answer" here. They do work, they just take some time to kick in.
–1 vote
u must collect the money to see the new data developed... usual mistake
answered Jan 28, 2016 by Timbaler (2,354 points)
If I'm seeing subscribers going up or down I am obviously collecting the money.
raleck... obvious? why? u can see all data WITHOUT collect any profit, smarty... LOL
The actual number of subscribers (not the growth) only goes up or down when you collect. If I'm telling you the number of subscribers are going down then I am collecting.