Dating Girls

0 votes
When you first get a girl in the events section, besides the normal information, they now have two crossed cock swords. What does that mean? Is she a higher level in fighting?
asked Jan 24, 2016 in FAQ by wildmlwilson (27 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
It means that she is eligible for the gang fuck off . Each contact can only be used once for it, and i guess u just got into a gang, or u never noticed the icon.
answered Jan 24, 2016 by carnacien (1,895 points)
selected Jan 24, 2016 by wildmlwilson
Does that mean the girls in my events section, become part of the list for the gang fuck off?
well kind of, but they re the personal ones (on the left and not the gang hoes (on the right, and those are the ones on the poledance).
Its just dual use , u can take them out to try make them into fuckbuddies and/or use them on the fuckoff