Chat room Bug???

–1 vote

I been trying to chat with my clanmate and this message keeps popping out every 10 second " We detected a problem with the chat connection and some other game features that will work with some delay. Please try playing using a different browser. We recommend Chrome or Firefox."    Causing me to refresh the browser to try to see their latest chat post :I and also it keeps happening everytime and if i don't refresh the page it just kills the chat room dead silent. (Btw I am using google chrome and I attempted to use firefox and internet explorer) Including using a mobile device.


Anyone way to fix this issue or admin that could help me???

asked Jan 30, 2016 in FAQ by DivineDarkElf (21 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
pretty much everyone i know has it sometimes.

Main thing u should know to get around it is that it doesnt leave the chat silent, but whats said is now above the red notice.

this issue comes and goes, but if someone has a real fix, id be interested too
answered Jan 30, 2016 by carnacien (1,895 points)
Here the main problem for me when that bug message comes  I won't be able to see any message coming toward afterward meaning I have to refresh my browser and this happens to me 24/7
0 votes
It's always a very funny message. Especially when you are playing with firefox and chrome/chromium.

What even makes me more laugh (in reality i should cry) is the fact, i have lacks (missing posts) under my firefox for weeks.
answered Jan 31, 2016 by Jack69 (2,314 points)