All of a sudden losing coins to Nurse

+2 votes
for the first 2-3 weeks of playing this game i was rarely getting done by the nurse and losing coins.

All of a sudden in the last 4-5 days it is happening every 2nd or 3rd time i do a MILF. My health bar is always 100%

Anyone else experienced this same thing? Especially anyone who is not spending money to buy coins.
asked Jan 31, 2016 in New Features by dk1800 (31 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
you can adjust it by take off the marks ,go to settings then candy coins to do it , after that if you will go to the hospital she (the nurse) will give you the options to spend a 1CC or to wait .
answered Jan 31, 2016 by sstarwood1 (136 points)
Thank you, i will remove that auto option. It has just started though so just a little weird. Thank you help  it is appreciated
0 votes
The milf is sending you to hospital. This happens sometimes,. Are you doing better milfs with higher demands?

You get out of hospital at the cost of 1 CC, because the auto use of CC for getting out hospital is configured. You could configure this in your settings.
answered Jan 31, 2016 by Berny (449 points)
Thank you and iw ill remove the auto coin to assist, much appreciated
0 votes
first if u havent, u need go into parameters on top right corner, select candy coins and uncross the automatic use of candy coins (its better to wait and use the cc for useful things)

now ur problem is that ur performance isnt satisfying the milfs atm (a different issue than losing health), u must increase seduction or use more special moves.

If u feel its new, i guess it is that u now have access to higher lvl of cougars (paying more) so they ask for more too.
answered Jan 31, 2016 by carnacien (1,895 points)
Thank you i will remove the auto coin so that will help. Much appreciated