Satisfaction--Danger Level?

–1 vote
I'll be going hiking for a week and I wonder how far the satisfaction of the girls go down. I'm not sure if they get pissed and walk off at some point. Is there a way to protect it?
asked Feb 18, 2016 in FAQ by Joshuashakesit (25 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
One would would be to buy them gift in order to keep the satisfaction level high. Although best gifts are the CC ones which gives quite a lot satisfaction and it last a 2-7 days (depending on CC gift).

I don't think that they'll get pissed and leave if you don't give them anything (in my experience, I did not have this kind of scenario, not sure if it exist).
answered Feb 18, 2016 by Takuchan (24 points)
+1 vote
yes, if they reach zero satisfaction, not only left u alone forever, their friend guy give u a good slap on the face and send u to hospital... so don't let that success
answered Feb 18, 2016 by Conqueridor (816 points)