98/100 sex appeal but stars are full

–1 vote

I've recently noticed that one of my girl has 98/100 sex appeal instead of 100/100 (she had 100/100 before), pampering is 40/40.

I sent my girl on a 10 hour working deal so I can't check what's up with her.

What can i do for her to regain her 2 missing sex appeal ?

Thanks for answering
asked Feb 22, 2016 in FAQ by Takuchan (24 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
There is a random fitness decrease over time, which can affect your girls situation. Even when she is on a job.

You should do fitness workout with your girls daily or buy auto fitness for some Candy Coins.

Further information about sex appeal of the girl can be seen at hooker/actress management screen under details.
answered Feb 22, 2016 by Berny (449 points)
selected Feb 22, 2016 by Takuchan
Great, thanks for the answer ! just what I needed.