Bail out someone from prison

–2 votes

I would like to show my kindness by bailing out someone and get the fee that comes along, but my blondie tutorial said a candy coin isn't enough and I need to use "hard currency".

No problemo, but how do I use that hard currency ? I have tried drinking Leg Spreader to help my character being more, erm, open-minded, but that doesn't work. :3

closed with the note: Closed because resolved DUH
asked Feb 25, 2016 in FAQ by roseturquoise (37 points)
closed Feb 25, 2016 by roseturquoise

1 Answer

+4 votes
to avoid new accounts abuse, the candy coins u receive for free are not accepted, it needs to be candy coins u buy for real $$
answered Feb 25, 2016 by carnacien (1,895 points)
Ah, I see.
Thank you very much !