Why cant i hire a 4th actress?

–2 votes
why cant i hire a 4th actress? says 3/5, but then says max 3 reached when i try to hire a new one...grrrrr
 cant i hire a 4th actress? says 3/5, but then says max 3 reached when i try to hire a new one...grrrrr
why cant i hire a 4th actress? says 3/5, but then says max 3 reached when i try to hire a new one...grrrrr

Under 'Actresses' it shows 3/5, but when i go to hire one through casting it always says that the maximum number of girls can handle is 3...why is this? About to upgrade my server to have 4 rooms, but can't figure out why i can't hire a 4th actress, or 5th even. please help! thanks.

asked Mar 4, 2016 in FAQ by theGreens (12 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
You can "buy" 2 extra slots to take it up to 5.  However, just keep taking the film classes and that will open more slots without using real money
answered Mar 4, 2016 by cuppa (20 points)
+4 votes
In fact, girls you hire from a casting don't become immediatly actress. They go in another category, "casting", where you can only have 3 girls. You must make them work (photo or movie) untill they ask to become actress (just like the fuckbuddies)
answered Mar 4, 2016 by RicMysoth (274 points)
so how do i warm casting actresses up for hire?