Current gang ranking / battle situation.

+44 votes
We are planning some adjustments to the rules of engagement with gang battles. Gangs will now be able to attack all other gangs +- 10 positions on the rankings from their own. 
So a gang on position 10 will be able to attack gangs on position 1 to 20 (gang size does not matter). 
Apart from this all other rules stay the same.
asked Mar 5, 2016 in New Features by HotCandyLand (243 points)

6 Answers

–12 votes
without speaking of the situation of specific gangs who managed their numbers to not be attacked, i really think 10 is a little too low.

It only gives 20 possible opponents (les if u re in top 10), and with 7 days delay to attack twice and a possible rage, it really doesnt leave a lot of choices!


Edit: my bad, i misunderstood. So we can attack same gangs as before, PLUS the ones in the +/-10 lvls from us.

Actually sounds good to me
answered Mar 5, 2016 by carnacien (1,895 points)
edited Mar 5, 2016 by carnacien
"Apart from this all other rules stay the same."

This new adjustment makes ranges only wider.
+12 votes

Very good idea!

answered Mar 5, 2016 by pierdolino (32 points)
a good idea will be to launch a rocket to the moon with all rabbits, hells and other polish mafia all together ;P
+8 votes

This will mean that there will be only a few top gangs. As a gang of 12 people will be able to confront the gang of 68 people? And while we will not be able to attack on the gang in CockFight below our rank. Once this is done, our band will cease to exist

answered Mar 5, 2016 by Beasty (42 points)
Why? You can find more players, and adjust your tactics.
I prefer to keep playing in the gang of 12 people, not 68 accounts with passwords in the database
i agree beasty, u can control, teach and have discipline in a small gang... but when it becomes big, it goes to kaos, phisical law
well as someone who refuses to play with the passwords as well, i understand what u mean, but it ll just cost u a few hunderd points a week, it shouldnt make u wanna disband completely.
U might think of expanding a little tough
be small give u many more vantages, conquest minigame, by example, is less populated...
@Beasty In that case, don't ask for passwords!
@Katalonian To beat entropy, this is the real challenge!
I was referring to those gangs that attach to battle more than 40 players. Can you believe that in one hour 40 real players are online?
Gangs battles have long been turned into a battles of database accounts. In the gands only half of the members are real players.
–3 votes
Bloody Hell, Yes!
answered Mar 5, 2016 by silagain (28 points)
blessing heaven, no!
+6 votes
if something run well, don't touch it... another stupid change, like the platinum for 500 points on CF league... what will be next? to reduce or erase the protections? u must foment changes to equalize the game, not to make it unplayable
answered Mar 7, 2016 by Follet_Tortuga (1,385 points)
yeah, like the shit invisible energy setting... why not to see how many energy use the enemy? is a lotto this fight?
You see the amount after the fight is done. Seeing the setting of the others before the fight would be boring;-)
no needed to see the exactly number... some meter like the buddies one, will be fine, and much more funny, because u could use that to add in the last time of joining time, doing the fight much more emotional ;P
+4 votes
what a funny threaat was this one hahaha how many laughs then... now, only zombies and cemetery flowers
answered Nov 22, 2018 by Segador (862 points)