Ring gift bonus

0 votes
okay it says i can make 200% more from clients but it also say "take away deals at the night club" I'm not really sure what that means, can someone explain it? ty
asked Mar 25, 2016 in New Features by mochis69 (23 points)

2 Answers

–3 votes
I don't know what ring you are taking about. I know there is a Funky Coat you can buy in the store for 100cc. I guess it really doesn't matter..


The 'take away' deals are the deals that you can purchase from Madam Edna.
answered Mar 26, 2016 by SuperTramp (15 points)
Oh, it's the 10 cc ring from gift shop for your chicks. It gives a 200% bonus in earning etc. So the deals = the package that you normally have to pay from night club?
Yes, that's it.
–1 vote
This means exactly what it says: your girls will earn 200% more money from clients (you can find them in Hotel, Disco or by car ride) and from deals negotiated with Madame Edna in Night Club. The Night Club is located in lower right corner of the map.
answered Mar 26, 2016 by oggy (266 points)
Yes i understand the 200% earning part but still confused about the "deals negotiated with Edna"? What kind of deals are we talking about? if it's the feel to get better jobs for the hookers, i still have to pay for it. I don't see any other "deals" unless there is a fee when i take on any jobs for them.
Also, what exactly are trophies for? Do they give some sort of stat boost?
if a job pays for example 10k, then the girl who has the ring on will be paid 30k (and ethnic/mood bonusses still apply) if u select her. Nothing else changes